Saturday, December 26, 2009

2 Old drawings completed

Lynx mother with her cub
Drawn whit a pencil colored whit watercolors and some digital drawing

Sea eagle
Drawn whit a pencil colored whit watercolors and some digital drawing

Pippa and the marihøne

Cristmas present to Pippa

Portrait of my brothers family

Morten - Ada-Marikken - Helene
My Christmas present for them

2 Christmas cards I made

A selfportrait wishing a merry christmas

Monday, November 16, 2009

Self Portrait

A self portrait I made with a wolf and some fog drew a sketch by hand and colored it digital the original picture is 10289x9564 pixels  600 dpi.

Complete picture


I used my wolf from the animal book I am planning to make

Thursday, November 12, 2009

A moose in the forest

A illustration of a moose I made.
original size: 7237 pixels x 5577 pixels i 300 dpi

Book of mammals in norway

Mammals of norway

I am planning to make a book of all the mammals in norway with illustration.
some of the illustration I have made so far:

Western European Hedgehog, Europeisk piggsvin, Erinaceus europaeus.

ShrewSpissmus, Soricidae.

Eurasian Least Shrew, Liten dvergspissmus, Sorex minutissimus.

Eurasian Pygmy Shrew, Dvergspissmus, Sorex minutus.

Laxmann's Shrew, Lappspissmus Sorex, caecutiens.

Taiga Shrew, Taigaspissmus, Sorex isdodon.

Eurasian Water ShrewVannspissmus, Neomys fodiens.

Daubenton's Bat, Vannflaggermus, Myotis daubentonii.

European Rabbit, Kanin, Oryctolagus cuniculus.

Red Squirrel, Rødt ekorn, Sciurus vulgaris.

European beaver, Bever, Castor fiber.

Wolf, Ulv, Canis lupus.

Raccoon Dog, Mårhund, Nyctereutes procyonoides.

Red Fox, Rødrev, Vulpes vulpes.

Arctic Fox, Fjellrev, Alopex lagopus.

Brown Bear, Brunbjørn, Ursus arctos.

 Wolverine, Jerv, Gulo gulo.




 BadgersGrevling, Meles meles.


Lynx, Gaupe, Lynx lynx.


Portrait Line Lorna

My fellow mountain lynx and myself.

book binding

I thought I would try to bind a book, here is the result of the first book that is a sketch book. it is about 15 cm in length and 10 cm in width, also there are some sketches I've drawn in it.

Moose in the sunset in autumn

A illustration of a moose I made with some fall colors.
original size: 7244 pixels 46 cm x 5307 pixels 33,7 cm  400 pixels/inch

illustrations I made to Bodø boxing club

Illustrations I made to Bodø boxing club.
They would use the illustration for a diploma poster and a t-shirt
Original size: 1930 pixels 16,34 cm x 2131 pixels 300 pixels/inch