Saturday, May 29, 2010

A sleepy troll

Finshed the sleepy troll painting,
Akryl painting and some digital fixing.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Birthday present

Made 2 illustrations for my niese Ada-marriken on her 1 year birthday.

A forest troll and ada-marikken. Pencil drawing.

Ada-marikken riding on a bear. Painted whit Acryl colors.

I also gave her a old illustration troll forest. Painted whit watercolors.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dagr`s clock and a Lynx whit heir

Made some paintings on wood slices.

Practice of painting on wood a lynx whit heir.

Dagr`s Clock
Dagr means day and is a northern god who puling the sun over the sky whit his horse skinfakse.